Resource Guides: Advanced
This workbook provides templates, tools and tips to help you identify and minimize barriers your potential and current volunteers may be facing (2017).
This workbook explores the development of volunteer communities and the tools to develop a mentorship program to help volunteers learn from each other and grow (2017).
This workbook is a full volunteer handbook with annotations and notes to help you develop and/or update your own volunteer handbook (2016).
This workbook will help you create meaningful, lasting boundaries for volunteers, understand why those boundaries might be broken and address dismissal (2016).
This workbook includes guides, templates and promising practices for engaging and working with long-term volunteers, including case studies from Toronto organizations (2015).
This workbook features guides and templates to help you deal with the challenges of engaging short-term volunteers, get better prepared for engaging them effectively and learn some promising practices from Toronto organizations (2015).
This workbook features a number of handy templates and guides to help you give valuable feedback to your volunteers and coach them to better performance (2015).
This workbook is from 2016 - elements are out of date. Your organization has specific obligations to be accessible for clients and volunteers with disabilities. Learn more in this workbook.